Thursday 18 November 2010

So whats this all about then?

Thanks for coming to visit.  I hope its worth it and you don't feel the need to click of or navigate away or something due to intense boredom.  This little blog is going to be the story of how I make a vintage business from scratch.  If I was a TV production company it would be on channel four with a voice over from somebody like Dervla Kirwan or some such. So, welcome to my little business.  I am not a little fish in a big pond, I am a tiny minnow in an ocean full of killer whales.  Which makes me quite small.  Small but with big ideas and world domination in mind.  I have a notebook which is full up with ideas.  See?

So, lets get to it.  Today I did my first ever vintage party.  Two weeks preparation for an hour an a half of disaster (dizaaaaztaaaaaar).  It started with losing the Alun key for the clothes rail.  So this meant that said clothes rail was v wonkey and possibly a safety hazard (if I am being honest).  So I had a coffee, which I then managed to knock flying spectacularly all over everything but it was a 1930's silk dress - the most expensive item I have - that bore the brunt of it. I then went outside for a bit of "fresh air" (cough) and consequently got locked out.  Then as I was waiting to get back in, I saw somebody trying to nick something.  So banged on the door like a lunatic.  And so the fun and games went on until somebody tried to buy my own Cath Kidson bag of me and threw the contents all over the floor before realising that bags that are for sale generally don't have nappies, baby wipes and tampons in them.  I eventually left in disgrace to discover that the now broken clothes rail would not fit in the car and so had to be left in the church porch (causing, no doubt another safety hazard).  I am going to go back to it tomorrow after the school run, but only in suitable disguise.  I have a 1950's pink bathing cap that would be just perfect.

Tune in for more dizaaaaztaaaarrrs next time.

Zoe x

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