Sunday 21 November 2010

Top Shop

I just had to log in and share (aka rant, its possible.  lets see).  I went into top shop yesterday.  I don't normally go in there because if I have a gaggle of kids (OK, two but that does include a pushchair which is like a sherman tank) with me its impossible to move about without getting in the way of all the young trendies who are busy shopping.  So as it was just me and the other half we had a quick nosey.  I was enticed by their window display of a faux fur collar so went into to see how much it was.

After a lot of looking (said item so popular there was only one left) I found it and to my utter disbelief it was £25.00.  So from this I can only gather that there are people out there who are willing to part with their hard earned cash to buy something that is made of scratchy stuff that only vaguely resembles something like fur.  I was most upset because as home I have a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL! faux fur stole from the 70's that I am selling for £20.00 and it is (a) wider (b) longer (c) soft (d) lined beautifully with the softest sateen and (e) can be worn as a scarf, a stole, something to throw on if its a bit cold over your cardi. 

Aaaaaanywaaaaay (breathe) I have decided that between that and the rows of £98.00 leopard print coats and other 60's styled coats (more scratchy collars) all of which I am selling which are miles better and so much better value for money - I need to have a rethink.  I need to bring my things to the customers of Topshop.  These poor misguided girls are being ripped of and not being given value for money.  All I have to do now is find these people.  Where are they? (apart from Topshop, obviously).  How old are they?  How do I find them and get them to look at my website? Hmmmmm.  I will find the answers to these questions, I will indeed.  And when I do, Topshop will be sorry.  Oh yes.  Woaaahaaahhhaaaaaah!

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