Monday 13 December 2010

Fox Fur stoles

Good evening fashion fans

This weeks exciting installment has been brought to you in association with Ebay! I do love Ebay.  Love love LOVE.  Little squeaks of excitement there.  Ok, I am a bit of an addict, truth be told. I have this thing I like to do.  Which is this. I like to read Vogue and Elle (ok and Look, shusshh) and see what everybody is wearing and then I like to go on to Ebay and see if this translates into what is selling.  And guess what?  Sometimes it does for about 5 minutes (when everybody goes crazy and pays £80.00 for a 70's cape that opened at 99p) and sometimes it doesn't (capes are now not really going above £25.00).  Which is not good news as I have a fab one on my website.  What do you mean you have not seen it?!  I may be dropping the price soon so you may want to go looky.

So Capes are hanging around in the not up or not down area at the moment.  What we need is for a well known celebrity (Cheryl Cole going into the X factor on a cold and wintry day) to wear one and then its back up to the supercool spot once again.  Can you see where I am going yet?  Or (ooh more squeaks of excitement) Kate Middleton (ah yes, and they are of) wandering around Prince William's country estate wearing one.  Well if everybody is going crayzeeee for her navy blue £159.00 Reiss dress they will most certainly go crazy for everything else she even looks at for the next like, well forever.  Imagine, like IMAGINE! If the lovely Kate were to buy something in say, a vintage shop, that could resurrect a whole new trend for just about anything.  The possibilities are endless!

Now what am I supposed to be talking about?  Went a bit of track there.  Ah yes, fur stoles.  And not just any fur stole, oh no no nooooooo.  I am talking about mink heads, tails and all sorts of interesting combinations of animal body parts.  Two mink joined together upside down?  No problem.  A strange never seen before animal that resembles a mink but has 8 legs and ten tails?  You got it.  Do you know?  I really don't like it.  Not at all.  When I see a dead mink head with its strange "eyes" that looking like anything but, I am actually want to scream "yukky yukky yukky" at my screen.  Really.  And sometimes I even do.  Who is buying these nasty things?  Who?  Who?  I want to know.  Its that bad now that I am going to see who is bidding on these and see if I can discover their identities, in the manner of Inspector Jack Frost or Poirot or some such.  I am going to stalk these people and hunt them down until they are dead, dead, dead! Ok, no I am not actually going to do that at all (Scotland yard, not action required).  But, I DO need to know as I want to know if there is something I don't know going on here, like a mink head revival.  Whatever it is, I will find out.  Oh yes.

And another thing.  And this I find really funny (strange but not Ha ha) fur coats on Ebay are selling for much less than faux fur coats.  Now, how strange is that?  These coats must have originally cost something like an entire years wages (well, you know) and now they are reselling at a tenth of a price of Tops shop's brand new faux fur leopard print coat. Its a funny old (fashion) world.

And with a sweep of my coat, I am off. 

Zoe X

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