Wednesday 1 December 2010


I have been doing a little bit of research this week and have discovered that my website is not at all like other vintage websites.  This is because (a) it is quite rough around the edges still and not quite the shining shimmering diamond I want it to be and (b) has more stock than all the other vintage websites (Vg, as Bridget Jones would say).  The huge amount of stock would explain why our little flat is in such a tip at the moment.  So lets not dwell on the negative and realise that, this indeed must be a good thing! Ok so we have discovered that I am more of a John Lewis (that's a department store) to you and I than a little tiny shop.  Like say... well I don't know, you can use your imagination on that one.  Picture a little shop in a town, not a chain or anything.

Sadly I have not been successful in securing a pitch at the spectacular Bloomsbury lanes vintage fair this weekend but that's ok, I shall keep trying.  I may even go myself for a spot of private shopping for moi.  Or I might not depending on how the school Christmas party goes the night before.  lets just say these things can get more than a little messy.  In which case I fear I may not be going anywhere the next day. 

More next time

Zoe x

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